Maritime Order & Issues Lab
한국해양과학기술원(해양법연구부) 연수연구원
Dr Cho has just completed his PhD at the University of Glasgow, School of Law, Scotland. The title of his PhD thesis is ‘Judges Make UNCLOS Part XV.’ His research interests include the law of the sea, international adjudication, judicial development of international law, and, specifically, the dispute settlement mechanism under UNCLOS. He has recently published three articles on these subjects in Korea and has begun to present his research at international conferences including the latest Asian Society of International Law Junior Scholar’s Workshop. From 2022, Dr Cho is participating in an expert group for the translation of a law of the sea textbook, The Law of the Sea (4th ed, Manchester University Press, 2022), into Korean.
He has previously worked as an assistant administrator for the Seoul International Law Academy (SILA) in 2018 and 2020. He also served as a research assistant at his LLM and PhD courses. He has previously obtained a bachelor's degree in political science at Yonsei University, Korea and an LLM degree from Seoul National University, Korea.
(2023.09) 국제법/해양랩 2023-2학기 3차 모임
24. 7. 22.
국제해양법재판소, 유엔해양법협약
(2024.04) 국제법/해양랩 2024-1학기 1차 모임
24. 4. 6.
우크라이나 전쟁
(2023.11) 국제법/해양랩 2023-2학기 4차 모임
23. 11. 3.
인공지능과 국제법
(2023.08) 국제법/해양랩 2023-2학기 2차 모임
23. 8. 29.
Making International Law Truly 'International'?
(2023.07) 국제법/해양랩 2023-2학기 1차 모임
23. 7. 31.
Applicability of the Frame of ‘Lawfare’ to Certain Litigations under UNCLOS Part XV: A Critical Review
(2023, forthcoming) Yonsei Law Journal. 13(1)
23. 3. 31.
해수면 상승과 해양법/국제법
(2023.03) 국제법/해양법 3차 연구모임
23. 3. 4.
(2023.02) 국제법/해양법 2차 연구모임
23. 2. 14.