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Political Science Education for Future Career Lab
Inter-Korean Cultural Exchange and Unification Ad-hoc Lab
Artificial Intelligence in Political Science Ad-hoc Lab

#human rights #global justice #intellectual history #environment #politics of technology #East Asia #North Korea

Dr. Kyungho Song is a Post-doctoral Researcher of the BK21 FOUR, Yonsei University. He is also a researcher in the Yonsei Institute for North Korean Studies since 2020. He completed his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. at the Department of Political Science and International Studies, Yonsei University.

Song is interested in the conceptual history of human rights, especially in nineteenth-century East Asia including Korea, Japan, and China. His research interests fall into the following keywords: human rights, global justice, intellectual history, environment, politics of technology, East Asia, North Korea.

The title of his Ph.D. is "Introducing human rights in the 19th century East Asia and the paradox of Kato Hiroyuki's idea of heaven-endowed human rights: focusing on his "Change of Idea" from human rights to positive rights."And that of M.A. thesis is "Universal human rights and the limits of humanitarian intervention: for and against John Rawls's The law of peoples" (2009).

Song (co-)published research articles such as "The Subjects of Deliberative Democracy : Representatives, Committees, and Civil Society" (2006), "Gyeonggukdaejeon and Rule of Li in Confucian State Joseon: Focusing on the Codification Process of Li" (2007), "China and Contemporary Korean Nationalism: Reflecting on China' s Northeast Project" (2012), "Rethinking the Images of Human Rights Violating Asia: In the Light of John Rawls’ the Law of Peoples" (2013), "Theoretical Discussion on North Korea’s Sudden Change" (2016), "How Did “Security” Become “Anbo”?: Focusing on Its Transmission Process As “Anjeon”, “Anjeonbojang”, and “Anbo”" (2020), "Matching and Mismatching of Green Jobs: A Big Data Analysis of Job Recruiting and Searching" (2021), "The Conceptual History of Minshushugi (Democracy) as a Modern Basic Concept : Focusing on the Process of Establishment and Generalization of the Japanese Word for Democracy in Modern Japan" (2021), "COVID-19 and Korean Nationalisms: Big Data Analysis of 'Gukbbong' YouTube Channels" (2021).

He also (co-)translated books into Korean - Will Kymlicka's Multicultural Citizenship (2010), Douglas Howland's Translating the West (2021), and Fukuzawa Yukichi's Seiyojijyo (2021).


적대주의를 넘어 서로 함께 살아가기


23. 10. 24.

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23. 9. 26.

그건 정치가 아니다


23. 8. 29.

인공지능시대, 문과가 필요할까


23. 8. 1.

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23. 7. 5.

그것은 우리가 원하는 우리 모습이 아니다


23. 6. 7.

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23. 5. 10.

정치학이 쓸모가 있나요


23. 4. 12.

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(2022.03) 한국동양정치사상사연구. 21(1)

22. 3. 25.

코로나19와 한국 민족주의의 분화: ‘국뽕’ 유튜브의 사례를 중심으로

(2021.08) 시민과세계. 55(2)

21. 7. 31.

개념사랩 세션 운영 및 토론

(2021.06) 2021 제1회 연세대학교 정치학과 BK21 리서치 콜로키움: 개념사랩

21. 6. 28.

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(2021.06) 한국정치학회보. 55(2)

21. 5. 31.

Matching and Mismatching of Green Jobs: A Big Data Analysis of Job Recruiting and Searching

(2021.04) Sustainability. 13(7)

21. 3. 31.

Matching and Mismatching of Green Jobs: A Big Data Analysis of Job Recruiting and Searching

(2021.03) Sustainability. 13(7)

21. 3. 2.

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20. 12. 30.

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