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Critical Approaches to Political Science Lab
Societal Security Studies Lab



항공기산업의 발전에 관한 발전국가론적 접근 : 한국과 일본의 항공기산업 발전 비교연구

(2022.08) 이주익 연세대학교 정치학과 석사학위논문

22. 8. 17.

Highlight Roundtable: Feminist Responses to a New Age of Geopolitics

(2022.07) Remapping the Feminist Global: A Multi-vocal, Multi-located Conversation

22. 7. 22.

The emergence and evolution of International Relations studies in postcolonial South Korea

(2021.09) Review of International Studies. 47(5)

21. 9. 29.

Unintelligible Intelligibility as a Mode of Resistance: A Social Drama of Womad

(2021.08) 류혜민 연세대학교 정치학과 석사학위논문

21. 8. 25.

Diagnosing Korea–Japan relations through thick description: revisiting the national identity formation process

(2021.06) Third World Quarterly.

21. 6. 29.

비판정치학랩 세션 운영 및 토론

(2021.06) 2021 제1회 연세대학교 정치학과 BK21 리서치 콜로키움

21. 6. 27.

Have the Subaltern Spoken? Positioning the Speech of 'Comfort Women' in Postcolonial Korea

(2021.04) ISA Virtual Convention 2021: Questions of Ethics and Intercultural Relations in the Asia-Pacific: Postcoloniality, Decolonization, and Feminist Politics Panel Session.

21. 4. 5.

The Possibility of Comparative Postcolonialism in Northeast Asia

(2021.04) ISA Virtual Convention 2021: Postcolonialism and Political Science in Northeast Asia Panel Session.

21. 4. 5.

Practicing Agency by Performing Vulnerability: Sexual Minorities in the Queer Culture Festival in Korea

(2020.12) Journal of Asian Sociology. 49(4)

20. 12. 30.


(2020.12) Journal of Asian Sociology. 49(4)

20. 12. 30.

평화의 신지정학

(2019.08) 박영사

19. 8. 19.

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