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Qualities of Democracy
Multimedia Ad-hoc Lab
Polython Ad-hoc Lab

#정당 #선거 #정치심리

Hi, my name is Young Seok. I was born and raised in South Korea. But I have great interest in each one of your countries, languages and political situations. I am studying political science in South Korea. After that, I will apply for the PhD program in United States. My studies usually focus on political progress and political behavior. These days, I have gained some interest in political psychology. I am making my research using quantitative methods. I usually use STATA and R. Specifically, I have an interest in questions such as "Why people vote? (or don't vote?)","Is someone's voting behavior from nature or nurture?" and "What makes people support populist?". If there is anyone who share an interest with me, I will appreciate your contact. :)


How Negative Partisanship Affects Voting Behavior in South Korea

(2022.08) 김영석 연세대학교 정치학과 석사학위논문

22. 8. 17.

How negative partisanship affects voting behavior in South Korea

(2022.06) 2022 한국국제정치학회 하계학술대회

22. 6. 28.

민간대북전단(심리전)의 목적과 효과 연구

(2022.01) 2022 제 1회 연세대학교 정치학과 BK21 리서치 콜로키움

22. 1. 25.

민간 대북전단의 목적과 효과 연구

(2021.12) 통일정책연구. 30(2)

21. 11. 30.

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