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Defense Industry and Military-Security Strategy

We study the rise of Korea as a defense industrial powerhouse, examining the shift from importer to exporter, the impact of European security changes, and the convergence of military, economic, and technological dimensions.

Korea has emerged as a defense industrial powerhouse. We can see a set of complicated dynamics that revolves around the ascendence of Korean defense industry last a couple of years and in coming years. Korea is a rare case from an importer to an exporter, if not an outlier, in contemporary global defense market.

An unexpected change of European security environment helped Korea to quickly emerge as an up-and-coming weapons provider across the globe. Moreover, the world entered an era of security convergence of dimensions (military, economy, and technology) as well as region (Indo-Pacific and Euro-Atlantic). Against this backdrop, our lab tries to pioneer the relatively underresearched field, ‘Politics of Defense Industry’ from military and security strategic point of view.

위산업 강국으로 떠오르고 있습니다. 한국 방위산업의 부상을 둘러싼 복잡한 역학 관계는 과거와 앞으로 다가올 몇 년 동안 관찰될 수 있습니다. 한국은 현대 글로벌 방위 시장에서 수입국에서 수출국으로 전환한 특별한 사례로 주목받고 있습니다.

유럽의 안보 환경 변화는 한국이 전 세계적인 무기 공급자로 빠르게 자리매김하는 데 기여했습니다. 또한, 세계는 군사, 경제, 기술의 차원뿐만 아니라 인도-태평양과 유럽-대서양 지역의 안보 융합 시대에 진입했습니다. 이러한 배경 속에서, 우리 연구실은 군사 및 안보 전략적 관점에서 상대적으로 연구가 부족한 '방위산업의 정치' 분야를 선도적으로 연구하고자 합니다.



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China and Russia Disagree on North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons

Wooyeal Paik

(2024.05) The Diplomat

24. 5. 15.

South Korean Defense Industry Goes Global, and Local Too: An Econo-Tech Approach

Wooyeal PAIK

(2024.04) ISPI Dossier

24. 4. 8.

The Korean Defense Industry Enters the European Security Theater: An Analysis of Korea-Poland Arms Deals

Wooyeal PAIK

(2024.02) IRSEM (Ecole Militaire) Research Paper no. 140

24. 2. 22.

South Korea’s Emergence as a Defense Industrial Powerhouse.

Wooyeal PAIK

(2024.02) Asie.Visions, Ifri no. 139

24. 2. 9.

China’s Ambivalence on North Korea-Russia Security Alignment.

Wooyeal Paik

(2023.11) The Diplomat

23. 11. 11.

NATO, AP4, and Korea Relations in Flux: A Short Assessment of the NATO Vilnius Summit 2023

Wooyeal Paik

(2023.08) Korea On Point

23. 8. 1.

Korea Looks to the Pacific: A First Cut with the 1st Korea-PIC Summit

Céline PAJON, Wooyeal PAIK

(2023.06) IFRI Lettre du Centre Asie no. 105

23. 6. 6.

Korea Looks to Europe: Its Growing Military-Strategic Cooperation with NATO

Wooyeal Paik

(2023.05) IDSP Issue Brief

23. 5. 5.

Evolving Korea-NATO Relations: Global, Indo-Pacific and Korean Perspectives

Wooyeal Paik, Yoon Jung Choi

(2023.02) CSDS Policy Brief

23. 2. 6.


『4단계 BK21 사업』 미래인재 양성사업 (인문사회분야)

혁신 과학기술 시대의 정치적 문제 해결 교육연구단
연세대학교 일반대학원 정치학과 BK21 FOUR

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