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Critical Approaches to Political Science Lab

We take non-traditional approaches of political science to research multidisciplinary topics

The Critical Approaches to Political Science Lab uses non-conventional political science methods to conduct research around keywords such as “critical IRT,” “postcolonialism,” “feminism,” “queer theory,” and “populism”.

The lab currently focuses on critically reviewing the works of Chinese IR theory that arose in recent years as an alternative to IR theories advanced by Anglophone and European academia.

We hold regular virtual workshops where participants can engage in academic discussions and exchanges to develop their ideas and drafts.

Racialized Understandings of Koreanness and their Challenges to Hierarchical Nationhood: The National Identity of French Korean Adoptees


(2022.07) Remapping the Feminist Global: A Multi-vocal, Multi-located Conversation

22. 7. 22.

Politics of Memory after the Liberation War of Bangladesh: Remembering the Birangonas

Kumkum Jaiswal, 최서영

(2022.07) Remapping the Feminist Global: A Multi-vocal, Multi-located Conversation

22. 7. 22.

Highlight Roundtable: Feminist Responses to a New Age of Geopolitics

최서영, 서정민

(2022.07) Remapping the Feminist Global: A Multi-vocal, Multi-located Conversation

22. 7. 22.

조선족 여성의 국적과 계급의 교차성: 차별 경험과 삶의 만족도를 중심으로


(2022.03) 2022 제 2회 연세대학교 정치학과 BK21 리서치 콜로키움

22. 3. 22.

The emergence and evolution of International Relations studies in postcolonial South Korea

Jungmin Seo, Young Chul Cho

(2021.09) Review of International Studies. 47(5)

21. 9. 29.

Unintelligible Intelligibility as a Mode of Resistance: A Social Drama of Womad

Ryu, Hye Min

(2021.08) 류혜민 연세대학교 정치학과 석사학위논문

21. 8. 25.

Diagnosing Korea–Japan relations through thick description: revisiting the national identity formation process

Jungmin Seo

(2021.06) Third World Quarterly.

21. 6. 29.

Two Nationalism in Postcolonial Japan

신동은, 하영건

(2021.06) 한국국제정치학회 하계학술대회(종언의 시대와 한국 국제정치학): 외교정책과 국내정치의 역동적 상호작용

21. 6. 29.

Two Nationalism in Postcolonial Japan


(2021.06) 2021 제1회 연세대학교 정치학과 BK21 리서치 콜로키움

21. 6. 28.

Populism and Feminism


(2021.06) 2021 제1회 연세대학교 정치학과 BK21 리서치 콜로키움

21. 6. 28.

Narrating the Korean Nation: A Study of the DissemiNation of Korean Cinema.


(2021.06) 2021 제1회 연세대학교 정치학과 BK21 리서치 콜로키움

21. 6. 28.

비판정치학랩 세션 운영 및 토론

서정민, 김현준

(2021.06) 2021 제1회 연세대학교 정치학과 BK21 리서치 콜로키움

21. 6. 27.

Embracing Postcolonialism in Korean Political Science

Choi, Seoyoung, Hye Min Ryu

(2021.04) ISA Virtual Convention 2021: Postcolonialism and Political Science in Northeast Asia Panel Session.

21. 4. 5.

Have the Subaltern Spoken? Positioning the Speech of 'Comfort Women' in Postcolonial Korea

Choi, Seoyoung,Jungmin Seo

(2021.04) ISA Virtual Convention 2021: Questions of Ethics and Intercultural Relations in the Asia-Pacific: Postcoloniality, Decolonization, and Feminist Politics Panel Session.

21. 4. 5.

The Possibility of Comparative Postcolonialism in Northeast Asia

Jungmin Seo

(2021.04) ISA Virtual Convention 2021: Postcolonialism and Political Science in Northeast Asia Panel Session.

21. 4. 5.

Cultural Analysis of Right-Wing Populism: The Case of the State-Centered Nationalism in South Korea

Kim, Hyeonjun

(2021.04) ISA Virtual Convention 2021: Democracy under Siege: Politics of Authoritarian Legacies and the Mobilization of Extreme Conservatives in South Korea Panel Session.

21. 4. 5.

Practicing Agency by Performing Vulnerability: Sexual Minorities in the Queer Culture Festival in Korea

Choi, Seoyoung, Jungmin Seo

(2020.12) Journal of Asian Sociology. 49(4)

20. 12. 30.


Jungmin Seo, Seoyoung Choi

(2020.12) Journal of Asian Sociology. 49(4)

20. 12. 30.

포퓰리즘과 한국 우익 개신교 정치참여


(2020.12) 한국문화연구학회 겨울 정기학술대회 : 믿음의 에티카

20. 12. 18.

『자유주의국제질서의 균열과 유라시아 지역의 대응』
5장. 변화하는 세계질서 시대의 인도-러시아 관계

라지브 구마르, 김현준

(2020.11) 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 HK+ 사업단 지원사업: “인도의 대전환과 인도학의 한국적 재해석: 인도지역연구의 세계적 거점구축”

20. 11. 24.

스페인 포퓰리스트 극우정당의 출현 요인 분석: Vox를 중심으로(토론자) (발표자: 고주현)


(2020.05) 한국정치학회 춘계 학술회의: “21세기 포퓰리즘의 성격과 전망: 유럽과 한국"

20. 5. 28.

내셔널리즘과 포퓰리즘의 관계에 대한 문화적 분석과 한국 개신교 우익운동 적용 가능성


(2019.05) 제9회 맑스코뮤날레 : 탈(脫)진실시대, 개신교는 어떻게 혐오를 생산하는가

19. 5. 24.

Cultural Theories on Populism: Nationalism as A System of People's Temporal-Spatial Apprehension

Kim, Hyeonjun

(2019.03) ISA 2019 Annual Conference: Junior Scholar Symposium Panel Session.

19. 3. 26.

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